So on Monday I did a head painting that I kind of like. We used a limited palette composed of only, white, yellow ochre, and burnt umber (hence the yellow feel to the painting.) Can't say I really like this paint combination. It makes the model look somewhat sick. Well at least mine does :)

I did the other painting during part of a workshop the same day (I was exhausted by the time I got home around midnight.) I really like the way this one turned out because I had felt my classwork wasn't that good. It was redemption. Not to mention, I felt like I got it done in a timely fashion. Granted it was a limited palette.

Very quick landscape that I did after the workshop yesterday. I was sticking with the limited palette theme.
Today I had my figure studio class (I am taking it again because I feel like I need to get back to drawing after not having had a drawing class in over a year.) Jason asked us to do a sketch book this summer in Italy and I had such a hard time getting myself to draw (I did little watercolors instead....maybe I will post some of those on my Italy blog at solainitalia.blogspot.com ......later....much later.) So I decided another drawing class was in my future so that I could improve my skills, speed, and enjoyment of it. I just love painting, so much better. But this will definitely improve my painting skills.

I went to another workshop today after class and felt so much better then I did in class because I stopped fighting what I already new and just went for it. I did this one fairly quick at the end of the workshop. I like it's graphic nature. I am really enjoying this going to class and then to a workshop. I just have to make sure I get enough sleep. One can only drink so many Rockstars....