Like I said before it has been a while since I have posted, but for now I have a homework assignment to show. We were asked to take one of our small studies and make it into a large painting. I chose this one which I really liked.
SoldI was excited to see it in a large format and to really take advantage of color. My study was very muted. This is what I came up with for the final. (I still have some things to change but otherwise I love it.) My instructor also had some good things to say about it and was very encouraging. He said that I should be very happy with it....and I am.

I did not like the fabric color so I decided to glaze it to change the color. I had always wanted to glaze something that had already been modeled in order to change the color like some of the old masters would do. Word to the wise, DO NOT TRY SOMETHING NEW on an important painting, PRACTICE it first. I ended up not being able to get the glaze to the consistency I wanted. I accomplished the color change I wanted (pale green to red) but for some reason the glazing mediums (ended up trying two...prefered Galkyd but will try something different next time) caused a tacky gooey consistency. I messed it up, but I think I was able to salvage it. I am excited to master this technique.
Anyway, here are photos of the process to get to the final painting I have now. I am VERY happy with this painting and what I learned from doing it.

You can see the original study in the background of the second photo.

Notice the various changes in the fabric color. What a chore but I learned what TO do and what NOT TO do :)